
Liu, L., Barlaz, M.A., Johnson, J.X., Economic and environmental comparison of emerging plastic waste management technologies, in review, 2023.

Liu, L., Miranda, M.M., Bielicki, J.M., Ellis, B.R., Johnson, J.X., Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of CO2-enabled sedimentary basin geothermal, Environmental Science & Technology, accepted, 2024.

de Chalendar, J.A., Keskar, A., Johnson, J.X., Mathieu, J., Living laboratories can and should play a greater role to unlock flexibility in U.S. commercial buildings, Joule, accepted, 2023.

Sinha, A., Venkatesh, A., Jordan, K., Eshraghi, H., Jaramillo, P., Johnson, J.X., Diverse decarbonization pathways under near cost-optimal futures, in review, 2024.

Mignone, B.K., Clarke, L., Edmonds, J., Gurgel, A., Herzog, H.J., Johnson, J.X., Mallapragada, D., McJeon, H., Morris, J., O’Rourke, P.R., Paltsev, S., Rose, S.K., Steinberg, D.C., Venkatesh, A., Beyond electrification: Drivers and implications of alternative routes to fuels decarbonization in net-zero energy systems, in review, 2024.

Yang, H., Luo, Q., He, G., Lin, J., Johnson, J.X., Garcia-Menendez, F., Deschenes, O., Mileva, A., Deshmukh, R., Decarbonizing China’s electricity sector brings significant health benefits but may widen regional disparities in employment, in review, 2024.

Lin, A.J., Lei, S., Keskar, A., Hiskens, I., Johnson, J.X., Mathieu, J.L., The Sub-metered HVAC Implemented for Demand Response (SHIFDR) Dataset, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, accepted, 2023.

Keskar, A., Soni, V., Jain, S., Patel, R., Ghosh, S., Shukla, J., Jain, S., Johnson, J.X., Tapping the Unused Energy Potential of Solar Water Pumps in India, Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (38), 14173–14181, 2023.

Luo, Q., Garcia-Menendez, F., Lin, J., He, G., Johnson, J.X., Accelerating China’s power sector decarbonization can save lives: integrating public health goals into power sector investment decisions, Environmental Research Letters, 18 (10), 104023, 2023.

Luo, Q., Garcia-Menendez, F., Yang, H., Deshmukh, R., He, G., Lin, J., Johnson, J.X., The health and climate benefits of economic dispatch in China’s power system, Environmental Science & Technology, 57(7), 2898-2906, 2023.

Keskar, A., Galik, C., Johnson, J.X., Planning for winter peaking power systems in the United States, Energy Policy, 173, 113376, 2023.

Jain, S., Phani Kumar, Sonti, V., Keskar, A., Johnson, J.X., Ghosh, S., Patel, RN, High-Performance Hybrid MPPT Algorithm based Single-Stage Solar PV fed Induction Motor Drive for Standalone Pump Application, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 59 (6), Nov-Dec, 2023

Luo, Q., Copeland, B., Garcia-Menendez, F., Johnson, J.X., Diverse pathways for power sector decarbonization yield health co-benefits, but fail to alleviate air pollution exposure inequities, Environmental Science & Technology, 56(18), 13274-13283, 2022.

Ssengonzi, J., Johnson, J.X., DeCarolis, D., An efficient method to estimate renewable energy capacity credit at increasing regional grid penetration levels, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, 2, 100033, 2022.

Keskar, A., Lei, S., Webb, T., Nagy, S., Lee, H., Hiskens, I., Mathieu, J., Johnson, J.X., Assessing the performance of global thermostat adjustment in commercial buildings for load shifting demand response, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2(1), 015003, 2022.

Biliecki, J.M., Leveni, M., Johnson, J.X., Ellis, B.R., The promise of coupling geologic CO2 storage with sedimentary basin geothermal power generation, iScience, 26(2), 2023.

Sioshansi, S., Denholm, P., Arteaga, J., Bhattacharjee, S., Awara, S., Botterud, A., Cole, W., de Quieiroz, A., DeCarolis, J., Ding, Z., DiOrio, N., Dvorkin, Y., Helman, U., Johnson, J.X., Konstantelos, I., Mai, T., Pandzic, H., Sodano, D., Energy-Storage Modeling: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Directions, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37(2), 860-875, 2021. [Won 2023 PES Prize Paper Award and 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society, Power System Operation, Planning and Economics Technical Committee Prize Paper Award.

Sodano, D., DeCarolis J., de Queiroz, A.R., Johnson, J.X., The Symbiotic Relationship of Solar Power and Energy Storage in Providing Capacity Value, Renewable Energy, 177, 823-832, 2021.

DeCarolis J., Jaramillo, P., Johnson J.X., McCollum, D., Trutnevyte, E., Daniels, D., et al., Leveraging open source tools for collaborative macro-energy system modeling efforts, Joule, 4(12), 2523-2526, 2020.

Fell, H., Johnson, J.X., Regional Disparities in Emissions Reduction and Net Trade from Renewables, Nature Sustainability, 4(4), 358-365, 2021

Luo, Q., Garcia Menendez, F., Johnson, J.X., Reducing human health impacts from power sector emissions with redispatch and energy storage, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 1(2), 025009, 2021.

Hollingsworth, J., Copeland, B., Johnson J.X., Are E-Scooters Polluters? The Environmental Impacts of Shared Electric Scooters, Environmental Research Letters, 14 (8), 084031, 2019.

Mueller, K.E., Thomas, J.T., Johnson, J.X., DeCarolis, J.F., Call, D. F., An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Salinity Gradient Energy Recovery Using Reverse Electrodialysis, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 25(5), 1194-1206, 2021.

Arbabzadeh, M., Sioshansi, R., Johnson, J.X., Keoleian, G., The role of energy storage in deep decarbonization of electricity production, Nature Communications, 10 (1), 3413, 2019.

Hollingsworth, J., Ravishankar, E., O’Connor, B., Johnson, J.X., DeCarolis, J., Environmental and Economic Impacts of Greenhouse-Integrated Solar Photovoltaics, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(1), 234-247, 2020.

Keskar, A., Anderson, D., Johnson, J. X., Hiskens, I. A., & Mathieu, J. L. Do commercial buildings become less efficient when they provide grid ancillary services? Energy Efficiency, 1-15, 2019.

Decarolis, J., Dulaney, K., Fell, H., Galik, C., Johnson, J.X., Kalland, S., Lu, N., Lubkeman, D., Panzarella, I., Proudlove, A., Rodrigo de Queiroz, A., Tang, W., Alrushoud, A., Gambino, C., Meng, Y., Liang, M., Liu, S., Mulcahy, D., Sodano, D., Soutendijk, D., Sun, L., Energy Storage Options for North Carolina, prepared for the NC Policy Collaboratory, Energy Policy Council, and the Joint Legislative Commission on Energy Policy, December 2018.

Liang, S., Qu, S., Zhao, Q., Zhang, X., Daigger, G., Newell, J., Miller, S., Johnson, J.X., Love, N., Zhang, L., Yang, Z., Xu, M., Quantifying the Urban Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus: The Case of the Detroit Metropolitan Area, Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (2), 779-788, 2018.

Ryan, N.A., Lin, Y., Mitchell-Ward, N., Mathieu, J., Johnson, J.X., Use-Phase Drives Lithium-Ion Battery Life Cycle Environmental Impacts When Used for Frequency Regulation, Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (17), 10163-10174, 2018.

Ryan, N.A., Johnson, J.X., Keoleian, G.A., Lewis, G., Decision Support Algorithm to Guide Method Selection for Quantifying Emissions from Electricity Consumption, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (6), 1318-1330, 2018.

Lin, Y., Mathieu, J., Johnson, J.X., Hiskens, I.A., Backhaus, S., Explaining Inefficiencies in Commercial Buildings Providing Power System Ancillary Services, Energy and Buildings, 152: 216-226, 2017.

Johnson, J.X., Location or Insolation: the Importance of Siting in Emissions Mitigation from Solar Photovoltaics, WIREs Energy and Environment, 6: 1-11, 2017.

Forrester, S., Zaman, A. Mathieu, J., Johnson, J.X., Policy Barriers for Multiple Services from Energy Storage, Electricity Journal, 30: 50-56, 2017. [Editorial review]

Arbabzadeh, M., Keoleian, G.A., Johnson, J.X., Parameters Driving Environmental Performance of Energy Storage Systems Across Grid Applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 12: 11-28, 2017.

Novacheck, J., Johnson, J.X., Diversifying Wind in Real Power Systems, Renewable Energy, 106: 177-185, 2017.

Alfaro, J.F., Miller, S.A., Johnson, J.X., Riolo, R.R., Agent Based Modeling for Stakeholder Engagement and Decision Making in Electricity System Planning, Energy Policy, 101: 317–331, 2017.

Ryan, N., Keoleian, G.A., Johnson, J.X., Comparative Assessment of Models and Methods to Calculate Grid Electricity Emissions, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(17): 8937–8953, 2016.

Chiang, A., Keoliean, G., Moore, M.R., Johnson, J.X., Emission Abatement Costs and Benefits of Siting an Offshore Wind Farm: A Spatial Analysis of Lake Michigan, Ecological Economics, 130: 263-276, 2016.

Good, J., Johnson, J.X., Impact of Inverter Loading Ratio on Solar Photovoltaic System Performance, Applied Energy, 177: 475–486, 2016.

Lin, Y., Johnson, J.X., Mathieu, J., Emissions Impacts of Using Distributed Energy Storage for Power System Reserves, Applied Energy, 168: 444-456, 2016.

Arbabzadeh, M., Johnson, J.X., Keoleian, G.A., Rasmussen, P., Thompson, L., Twelve Principles for Green Energy Storage in Grid Applications, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(2): 1046-1055, 2016.

Johnson, J.X., Novacheck, J., The Impact of Coal Plant Retirements on Emissions Mitigation from Renewable Portfolio Standards, The Electricity Journal, 28 (8): 59–68, 2015. [Editorial review]

Novacheck, J., Johnson, J.X., The Environmental and Cost Implications of Solar Energy Preferences in Renewable Portfolio Standards, Energy Policy, 86: 250-261, 2015.

Johnson, J.X., Novacheck, J., Emissions Reductions from Expanding State-Level Renewable Portfolio Standards, Environmental Science & Technology, 49(9): 5318-5325, 2015.

Arbabzadeh, M., Johnson, J.X., De Kleine R., Keoleian, G.A., Vanadium redox flow batteries to reach greenhouse gas emissions targets in an off-grid configuration, Applied Energy, 146: 397-408, 2015.

Johnson, J.X., De Kleine R., Keoleian, G.A., Assessment of Energy Storage for Transmission-Constrained Wind, Applied Energy, 124: 377–388, 2014.

Johnson, J.X., McMillan, C.A., Keoleian, G.A., Evaluation of Life Cycle Assessment Recycling Allocation Methods: The Case Study of Aluminum, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 17 (5): 700–711, 2013.

Johnson, J., Chertow, M., Climate Stabilization Wedges in Action: A Systems Approach to Energy Sustainability for Hawaii Island, Environmental Science & Technology, 43(7): 2234-2240, 2009.

Johnson, J., Reck, B., Wang, T., Graedel, T.E., The Energy Benefit of Stainless Steel Recycling, Energy Policy, 36 (1): 181-192, 2008.

Johnson, J., Graedel, T.E., The “Hidden” Trade of Metals in the United States, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 12 (5/6): 739-751, 2008.

Wang, T., Mao, J., Johnson, J., Reck, B., Graedel, T.E., Anthropogenic Metal Cycles in China, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 10 (2): 188-197, 2008.

Johnson, J., Harper, E.M., Lifset, R., Graedel, T.E., Dining at the Periodic Table: Metals Concentrations as They Relate to Recycling, Environmental Science & Technology, 41(5): 1759-1765, 2007.

Johnson, J., Schewel, L., Graedel, T.E., The Contemporary Anthropogenic Chromium Cycle, Environmental Science & Technology, 40 (22): 7060-7069, 2006.

Harper, E.M., Johnson, J., Graedel, T.E., Making Metals Count: Applications for Material Flow Analysis, Environmental Engineering Science, 23 (3): 493-506, 2006.

Johnson, J., Gordon, R.B., Graedel, T.E., Silver Cycles: The Stocks and Flows Project, Part 3, JOM: Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, 58 (2): 34-38, 2006.

Johnson, J., Jirikowic, J., Bertram, M., van Beers, D., Gordon, R.B., Henderson, K., Klee, R.J, Lanzano, T., Oetjen, L., Graedel, T.E., Contemporary Anthropogenic Silver Cycle: A Multilevel Analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 39 (12): 4655-4665, 2005. [Featured on cover]

Johnson, J., Bertram, M., Henderson, K., Jirikowic, J., Graedel, T.E., The Contemporary Asian Silver Cycle: One-Year Stocks and Flows, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 7 (2): 93-103, 2005.
